Ramadan Destination Clock

In the month of Ramadan, average daytime temperature and fasting duration in each destination will change from year to year. Select a destination to view how, combined with GMTI 2016 scores, a destination would rank over a span of 15 years with its yearly Ramadan duration and average daytime temperature.

15.4Hrs 46ºc29
15.4Hrs 44ºc27
15.3Hrs 41ºc26
15.2Hrs 39ºc24
15.1Hrs 37ºc23
14.5Hrs 34ºc19
14.2Hrs 32ºc17
14.1Hrs 30ºc15
13.4Hrs 27ºc13
13.3Hrs 26ºc13
13.1Hrs 24ºc9
12.5Hrs 22ºc8
12.3Hrs 21ºc8
12.1Hrs 20ºc7
12.1Hrs 20ºc7