The foreword to the Mastercard-CrescentRating Muslim-friendly Cruise Report by Fazal Bahardeen, Founder and CEO of CrescentRating & HalalTrip.
We are delighted to present this comprehensive report that encapsulates our effort towards helping create an inclusive, diverse, and responsible cruising experience. This report is not just a reflection of our commitment to continue to enhance the overall Halal Tourism experience but also a testament to our dedication to understanding and catering to the evolving needs of the Muslim travel market.
This report is a culmination of our extensive research, deep analysis, and ongoing commitment to understanding the diverse spectrum of Muslim consumer preferences in the travel sector.
The cruise industry stands at a pivotal juncture where embracing diversity, ensuring inclusivity, and committing to sustainable practices are not optional and imperative for future growth and relevance. Our objective in conducting this research was to provide a thorough understanding of the specific needs and expectations of Muslim travelers, a rapidly growing segment of the global tourism market.
We have strived to offer valuable insights into how the cruise industry can adapt and innovate to cater to this demographic through detailed surveys, expert interviews, and rigorous data analysis.
Our recommendations, structured around CrescentRating’s RIDA framework of Responsible, Immersive, Digital, and Assured services, are designed to guide cruise operators in enhancing their offerings. We believe that these insights will benefit Muslim travelers and enrich the cruise experience for all passengers by fostering an environment of understanding and respect for cultural and religious diversity.
I want to extend a special thank you to Mastercard, our long-term partner, whose collaboration has been instrumental in enabling the sustainable growth of the Muslim travel market. This report reflects our dedication to contributing meaningful and actionable insights to the travel industry. We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with various other stakeholders in the cruise sector and are excited about the potential changes our recommendations can inspire.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this endeavor. We look forward to seeing these insights being transformed into actions that lead the way to a more inclusive, responsible, and vibrant future in cruise travel.
For more information regarding Mastercard-Crescentrating Muslim-friendly Cruise Report 2024, please visit this link right here!