Spending in the global Muslim travel segment to hit $200 billion by 2020
Read MoreThe study coincides with the 3rd Global Islamic Economy Summit, which, bearing the theme
Read MoreTaiwan, rated the 10th best destination for Muslim travellers outside the Organization of Islamic Cooperation…
Read MoreREPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDA ACEH Menteri Pariwisata RI Arief Yahya memompa semangat para pengampu kebijakan di Provinsi Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), Senin (19/9). Gubernur Zaini Abdullah dan puluhan bupati-walikota di...
Read MoreMenteri Pariwisata, Arief Yahya tak henti-hentinya memberikan semangat mendorong pariwisata Indonesia agar lebih maju
Read MoreQuand un média américain, réputé conservateur, va à l’encontre des désirs saugrenus de Donald Trump sur les musulmans, le rendu est savoureux.
Read MoreAlthough there are many beautiful places around the world to visit, only some of these tourism destinations can cater to Muslims more than others, since many Muslims feel more comfortable in Muslim countries due to food, prayer or even security ...
Read MoreCurrently, Indonesia's tourism sector accounts for about 4 per cent of the total economy, according to Indonesia Investments.
Read MoreJapan is pushing to promote itself as a destination for Muslim travellers. The country hopes to benefit from a global boom in the sector and build on demand Tokyo’s 2020 Olympics is set to drive.
Read MoreMasterCard ve CrescentRating işbirliğiyle “Müslümanların Seyahat Tercihleri Endeksi” raporu yayımlandı. Raporda dikkat çeken ülkelerden biri de Türkiye oldu.
Read MoreMasterCard ve CrescentRating, Müslüman turistlerin seyahat tercihlerini araştıran yıllık raporu yayımladı. 130 hedef ülkede yiyeceklerin İslami değerlere uygunluğu, ibadet imkanlarının bulunması gibi birçok kriterin değerlendiri...
Read MoreMüslümanların tatilde en çok gittği ülkeler açıklandı MasterCard ve CrescentRating, Müslüman turistlerin seyahat tercihlerini araştıran yıllık raporu yayımladı. “Müslümanların Seyahat Tercihleri Endeksi” raporunda, Müsl�...
Read MoreThe index also said Malaysia and Singapore retained their positions as top destinations for the Muslim travel market, in OIC and non-OIC categories. (There are 57 member nations of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.) The overall study cove...
Read MoreHalal has never looked so good for Singapore. A survey ranked the Asian country as the top non-Islamic destination for Muslim tourists, weeks after official data showed overall visitor numbers fell last year for the first time since 2009.
Read MoreTaiwan has been ranked as the seventh-most popular non-Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) destination in the global Muslim travel market, according to MasterCard research focusing on this fast-growing sector.
Read MoreThe MasterCard-CrescentRating Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI) 2016, which covers 130 destinations, saw Qatar remain in the top five list behind Malaysia which held on to its pole position, UAE,
Read MoreSumatra Barat tengah dipersiapkan untuk menjadi destinasi wisata halal di Indonesia, dengan Pulau Mandeh sebagai daya tarik utama.
Read MoreTaiwan is going the extra mile to woo Muslim travellers from South-east Asia and the Middle East to boost tourist arrivals even as the number of mainland Chinese tourists, two-fifths of arrivals, is expected to fall.. Read more at straitstimes.com.
Read MoreThe halal economy is booming and with good reason. The world's Muslims total 1.7 billion people today and that number is growing at two times the rate of the global population.
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