09 Nov 2022

Samarkand receives "Best Islamic Destination of the Year" award

The Minister of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan announced that Samarkand is recognized as the best Islamic destination of the year". The certificate was presented by Bahardeen Mohamed Fazal, President of Crescent Rating Company of th...

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07 Nov 2022

What you need to know about Asia's Muslim travel market: Travel Weekly Asia

A niche market emerges as more Muslims in the region look to the sea for “seacations".

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07 Nov 2022

Ekonomi Syariah Bakal Digenjot Lewat Pasar Travel Ramah Muslim

Perkumpulan Pariwisata Halal Indonesia (PPHI) melakukan kerja sama dengan CrescentRanting di Kantor Pusat Komiten Nasional Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah (KNEKS)

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08 Aug 2022

Минтуризма и сингапурская CrescentRating вместе создадут книгу «Muslim guide book»

Минтуризма и сингапурская CrescentRating вместе создадут книгу «Muslim guide book». Она станет удобным экскурсоводом по Узбекистану, а за пример во�...

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08 Aug 2022

Aziz Abdukhakimov receives the head of CrescentRating

Each direction of tourism is developing dynamically in Uzbekistan, in particular, pilgrimage tourism. This was stated by the Executive Director of the Singaporean organization CrescentRating Fazal Bahardin on 27 July during a meeting with Deputy...

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25 Jul 2022

Mardhiyyah Hotel & Suites Diiktiraf Sebagai Penginapan Mesra Muslim (MFAR)

Mardhiyyah Hotel & Suites dinilai dan disahkan memenuhi keperluan Universal Crescent Standard Centre (UCSC) Islamic Quality Standard For Hotel dengan penarafan 7IQS.

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08 Jul 2022

Sandiaga Uno Berharap pada Sumbar Menjadikan Indonesia sebagai Destinasi Wisata Halal Terbaik Dunia

Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Sandiaga Uno menyebut Sumbar sebagai destinasi wisata ramah muslim.

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07 Jul 2022

Туризм развивается: на сколько пополнится бюджет Узбекистана

Статистика показала, что число туристических поездок за первую половину этого года уже превысило показатель за прошлый.

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06 Jul 2022

KL Convention Centre sees big increase in demand for in-person events

The Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (the centre) has seen a significant increase in demand for in-person events of 127 global meetings comprising 51 conventions and 76 exhibitions booked at the venue from 2022 to 2024.

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06 Jul 2022

Mantap! Sandiaga Uno Bawa Pariwisata Indonesia Salip Turki Soal Wisata Halal

Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Sandiaga Uno membawa pariwisata Indonesia salip Turki dalam kategori pariwisata halal.

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29 Jun 2022

MOTAC sasar 900,000 pelancong Muslim ke Malaysia

PUTRAJAYA - Kementerian Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya (MOTAC) yakin sasaran kehadiran 900,000 pelancong Muslim dari luar negara tahun ini dapat dicapai menerusi aktiviti mempromosi Malaysia sebagai destinasi pelancongan mesra Muslim secara agresi...

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29 Jun 2022

MOTAC targets 900,000 Muslim tourists to Malaysia this year - Nancy

Nancy Shukri, Muslim tourists, promotion, revenue,

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29 Jun 2022

MOTAC targets 900,000 Muslim tourists to Malaysia this year: Nancy

PUTRAJAYA: The Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC) is targeting the arrival of 900,000 Muslim tourists to Malaysia this year, said its minister Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri(pix).

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29 Jun 2022

Malaysia Targetkan 900 Ribu Wisatawan Muslim | IHRAM

Malaysia ingin jadi tujuan wisata ramah Muslim.

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29 Jun 2022

Malaysia Targetkan 900 Ribu Wisatawan Muslim - RCTI+

IHRAM.CO.ID, KUALA LUMPUR -- Kementerian Pariwisata, Seni dan Budaya Malaysia (Motac) menargetkan kunjungan wisatawan Muslim ke Malaysia tahun ini ...

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29 Jun 2022

Malaysia aims to bring in 900,000 Muslim tourists this year: Nancy

Govt aggressively promoting country at national, international levels, says minister

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29 Jun 2022

MOTAC sasar 900,000 pelancong Muslim ke Malaysia

PUTRAJAYA – Kementerian Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya (MOTAC) yakin sasaran kehadiran 900,000 pelancong Muslim dari luar negara tahun ini dapat dicapai menerusi aktiviti mempromosi Malaysia sebagai destinasi pelancongan mesra Muslim secara agre...

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29 Jun 2022

Tourism Ministry targets 900,000 Muslim tourists this year | The Malaysian Insight

Minister says this can be achieved via proactive promotions.

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24 Jun 2022

Ini Tiga Lokasi yang Direkomendasikan Sandiaga Uno untuk Wisata Halal

Belum lama ini, Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Menparekraf , Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno mengaku sedang menyusun kebijakan terkait pariwisata halal.

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24 Jun 2022

Need to tread with caution in reviving halal tourism industry - ANTARA News

With the COVID-19 situation getting relatively under control in many countries, a number of people have become eager to travel to escape from the boredom ...

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